Government of Nepal

Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development

Plant Quarantine And Pesticide Management Center

Hariharbhawan, Lalitpur

Pest Risk Analysis Related

S.N. Title Published by
1 Non-Compliance Reporting Formats 8 9 10 11 PQPMC-PRA Download
2 National Phytosanitary standard on Framework for Pest Risk Analysis, 2013 PQPMC Download
3 Technical Guidelines for Surveillance of Plant Pests in Nepal (Including Technical Formats) PQPMC Download
4 Technical Guidelines for Surveillance of Plant Pests in Nepal (Including Technical Formats) PQPMC Download
5 PQPMC TOR Download
6 PRA related work flow formats Download
7 National Phytosanitary standard on system approach for risk management Download
8 National Phytosanitary standard on PRA of Quarantine Pests Download
9 National Phytosanitary Standard on post entry quarantine Download
10 National Phytosanitary standard on measures for plants for planting Download
11 National Phytosanitary standard on framework for PRA Download
12 National Phytosanitary standard on catagorization of commodities Download
13 National Phytosanitary standard on pest risk analysis for Regulated Non-QP Download